"Perfect system to run your small dance/music studio business"

All in one system to run a successful studio! An iChat Labs' Solution

Transform Your Studio Business with iStudio

iStudio is an all in one system created for Dance, Music, Yoga studio owners to capture and nurture studio leads, offer trial classes, sell tickets, track conversations and do more.


AN All In one Lead management

platform for studio owners

You can do a lot of things with iStudio, but we focus mainly on streamlining your lead management

and helping you get more enrolments on auto pilot. We work with you to create a customised system for you.


AI Booking Bot

Connect our conversational AI on your knowledge base and answer all questions on auto pilot

share Created with Sketch Beta.

Social Media Integration

Connect your social media platforms and talk to your customers in one place

Built In Calendars

Create as many calendars as you want for each of the classes that you run and start online booking

Built In Payments

Connect popular payment gateways, convert your phone as a POS and accept payments

Text, Email Automation

Automate the boring, repetitive communications and spend less time on admin

Community and more

Create a community, sell tickets, offer trials, streamline your operations and do more

Feeling Overwhelmed by Studio Chaos?


We get it. As a Marketing Automation Consultant to some studio owners,

We've seen the struggles first-hand and know what it feels like to:

Struggle with feeling the tech overwhelm and juggle between tools and platforms

Frustrated with scattered pieces of sales, marketing, and operations, while the fire you had for teaching your craft starts to dim?

  • Too many things needed to run your business?

  • Finding the right tech feels like a constant battle?

  • Can't reach out to people who are interested in your classes quickly?

  • Frustrated with giving the same answers again and again when someone get in touch with you?

You maybe feeling some of it or maybe all of it.

But don’t worry, we got great news for you!

All this can be fixed faster than you ever thought possible with our system in place, so keep reading and we’ll explain...


There is a Better Way to streamline YOUR studio BUSINESS

And it’s DEFINITELY not doing more of what you’ve already tried...

The old way is, you get an enquiry via you website contact form, phone call or email and then you or your admin team have a back and forth with the customer answering all the questions.

You may also run ads on social media platforms, but when the leads come in, you don't have a system in place to convert them fast.

Or maybe you have learned how to do all of these things and in theory it all sounds good. But when you finally start to implement it, its not that easy or you don't know how.

Instead of this, what you need is leverage the latest tech advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Automation to run your business as streamlined as possible.

iStudio will get you the Business transformation that you seek way faster and easier than anything you’ve tried in the past...

CASE STUDY : Here is How AI is helping phi, a super star studio owner

AI bot now booking trial classes

for Vocalise academy

We implemented a Customer Journey pipeline for Vocalise Academy. It was working fine but it could do better. So we added an SMS based AI bot that is trained on their specific business details and frequently asked questions. This bot then started answering website visitors questions and started automatically booking calls for the academy.

Check out how AI SMS Booked a call on autopilot

Even if AI takes over most of the work in the near future, we'd always value the human touch point, especially when someone wants to know more about where they are going to send their kids for a lesson.

  • Client contacts the studio via website chat

  • AI bot understands their query and replies

  • We automated the discovery call process with AI chatbot

  • We used the SMS channel so that it gets more response

  • Customers engaged with the bot and call booking increased

  • Increased call booking allowed the team to increase enrolments by bringing their magical human touch.

Our Philosophy

Here is Why we do, what we do

Customised Solution

We work with clients for whom we can deliver a great solution. We work closely to build a custom solution. We believe in Creating Personal Connections, one client at a time.

Personalised Delivery

Due to our custom solution philosophy, we don't want to do one to many selling or mass group coaching to leverage the delivery. We take One client at a time and dedicate our time to provide the best result that we can give..

Continued Support

We try to accommodate your future requests to optimise your systems as and when a new update comes around. We want to help you for long term success.

Who is behind iStudio Program

Meet Jithin Sujala

Jithin used to work at the Marketing automation side of Studio Evolution, a coaching business that teaches how to take studio business to 6 figure business or more. That is where he started helping studio owners with tech.

Jithin has a proven track record of success, having helped small businesses and coaches from all corners of the globe achieve remarkable transformations in their businesses. His secret weapon? Smart automation processes and strategies. He knows how to leverage technology to free up your time, streamline your operations, and ultimately attract more clients.

But Jithin doesn't stop there. He's also a certified expert in some of the industry's leading marketing automation platforms like HighLevel and Ontraport. This deep understanding of the tools allows him to tailor solutions that perfectly fit your specific needs and goals.

Here is what others are saying

Feedback from Past Clients

Dan Daniel Nakamura

High Performance Coach

Dan is a High performance coach bases in Portugal, who uses Rapid Neuro Transformations Technique to bring changes to his clients.

We studied his techniques and created a website and funnel from scratch and implemented automation and a community to capture and nurture leads.

Donncha Lynch,

Elevate Sales Coaching

Donncha had invested a large sum on business coaching and yet left with raw strategy and the task of creating his own coaching funnel along with some basic templates.

We used the basic content outline to build out an authority landing page within a week. We also did a quick branding revamp for his business and he was up and running within no time.

We work with you until you get the results we promised

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Forget "do it alone." We are your success partners. We work with you every step of the way, implementing strategies, offering ongoing support, and celebrating wins until you achieve your goals. Your success is our success. So we work with you until you get the result we promised.

Ready to Get Started?

Send in your application to see if we can work together. It takes only a few minutes to send in the application form

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