How vocalise academy streamlined their enrolment process with ichat labs

How Vocalise Academy streamlined their enrolment process with iChat Labs

May 15, 20243 min read

Case Study: Transforming Vocalise Academy with iChat Labs

Client: Phi Nelson

Business: Vocalise Academy, Australia

Client Challenge:

Phi needed a comprehensive solution to manage her growing business, from handling lead inquiries and bookings to organizing events and maintaining client communication. The challenge was to bring all these aspects together into a streamlined, efficient system that could operate seamlessly, even as the business scaled. Before iChat Labs, she was juggling with various platforms to find a right fit.

iChat Labs' solution

Phi Nelson, the visionary behind Vocalise Academy in Australia, sought to enhance and streamline her lead management process. With a growing number of students and events, Phi needed a solution that would not only manage leads effectively but also integrate various business operations into a single, cohesive platform. Here’s how iChat Labs helped her achieve this transformation:

AI-Powered Bot for Appointment Booking:

We introduced an AI-powered bot that handles appointment scheduling, allowing students and potential clients to book sessions effortlessly, freeing up Phi’s time for more critical tasks.

Streamlined Enrollment Process:

The enrollment process was fully streamlined, ensuring that new students could easily sign up for classes. We have tested a few processes and finally found a process that converted leads to paying clients with the least amount of manual involvement.

Platform to Sell Event Tickets:

iChat Labs allowed Phi to sell digital as well as physical products by integrating the online payment systems with Stripe. This enabled Phi to sell event tickets, workshops and more, making it easier for her to organize and promote Vocalise Academy’s events.

24/7 AI-Powered Receptionist:

An AI-powered receptionist was implemented to handle inquiries and provide information around the clock, ensuring that no potential lead is missed. By employing SMS channel, it still felt like a human response, even though it was generated by AI trained on Vocalise Academy's data.

Built In Dialler for Lead Contact:

To enhance outreach, we integrated a marketing phone number and built in phone dialler that allows Phi and her team to contact leads efficiently, ensuring timely follow-ups. Now her team in Philippines calls the Australian leads straight from iChat Labs' dashboard.

All-In-One Client Communication:

Client communication was consolidated into one platform, making it easier to manage interactions and maintain a high level of customer service. Now the admin team can reply to Facebook messages, Instagram DMs, SMS, emails and all that from one central dashboard and keep track of all customer communication in one place.

Quick and Easy Social Media Management:

We provided tools for streamlined social media management, enabling Vocalise Academy to maintain a strong online presence with minimal effort. Now they can schedule their Facebook and Instagram posts all inside iChat Labs. They also capture lead ads from Facebook straight into iChat Labs' CRM.

Unlimited Emails and Contacts:

With unlimited email and contact management capabilities, Phi can now engage with her audience without worrying about limitations. Her previous experience with other platforms charged her more for growing her contact list!

The Result:

With iChat Labs, Vocalise Academy now operates with a fully integrated, automated system that handles everything from booking appointments to managing events. The AI-powered tools have not only reduced manual workload but also improved efficiency and client satisfaction, allowing Phi to focus on expanding her academy and delivering exceptional vocal coaching.

Explore how iChat Labs can help your business achieve similar success with innovative automation solutions tailored to your needs.

Get in touch with us here.

iChat Labs is leading marketing automation consultancy based in Sydney, Australia. We build HighLevel systems at iChat Labs and help businesses to build and implement HighLevel into their everyday processes.

iChat Labs

iChat Labs is leading marketing automation consultancy based in Sydney, Australia. We build HighLevel systems at iChat Labs and help businesses to build and implement HighLevel into their everyday processes.

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